Thursday, November 11, 2010

Best Ever! Cuidiu Christmas Craft Fair, 14/11, 2-5pm

I've been sewing day and night for a week!
Please come see what my magic sewing machine
and I have made :-)

Cuidiu - Christmas Craft Fair
This Weekend!
Sunday, 14 November
Zion Parish Hall
Bushy Park Road, Rathgar D6

Handmade Children's Comfort toys and Dresses -
Mouthwatering Homemade Goodies - Wooden Toys -
Christmas Decorations - Jewelry - Handmade Cards -
Children's Books - Candles - Tree Decor - Handmade
Soaps - Handmade Scarfs & Bags - Novelties
and much more!

Google Map: Click HERE

*Fundraiser for Cuidiu-Irish Childbirth Trust,
Dublin South West Branch*

Adults e2 - Kids Free - Free Tea/Coffee

Bumper Raffle!

See us on FACEBOOK!

(Please note: I am not the organiser of the Craft Fair,
I have created this un-official event page so I could
invite all my friends to come along to see my stall!)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Mini Me - "The Bride"

Ok, so maybe I took this a bit too far?
I just sent in my Stitched Self to the London Science Museum!

Thursday, June 10, 2010



To celebrate WWNIP DAY and benefit Age Action Ireland, Innocent Smoothies is sponsoring the Big Knit.

From the Innocent website:

"Fancy helping older people in Ireland keep warm this winter? Then all you need to do is knit some little woolly hats for our innocent smoothie bottles. For every behatted bottle sold in store, we - that's innocent - will give 25c to Age Action. We're aiming to knit 80,000 little hats this year, so we'd love you to get knitting.

It's a sad fact that every year in Ireland around 2000 people over the age of 65 die from cold related conditions. Which is where your knitted goods come in. All monies raised from the innocent Big Knit this year will go towards supporting Age Action to help keep older people in Ireland warm."

Really? I understand creating a cute campaign to get people involved and invested in the cause. I also understand collecting money from people buying the "hat-wearing" smoothies who might otherwise be unaware or uninterested in the cause.

But seriously, wouldn't older people be warmed more directly by knitting adult-sized hats and scarves to be collected by Age Action Ireland and distributed to those in need? And what about all those tiny knitted smoothie hats? Does the smoothie-buyer get to keep it, or where do they go? The website mentions a goal of 80,000 mini hats.

I challenge my friends and fellow knitters to knit and donate at least 1 adult-sized hat or scarf for every 20 mini hats you make. Maybe even make the adult one first, just to be sure you've got enough wool!

Monday, June 7, 2010

TV shopping = Family Bonding

Last week we thought we were getting a newer hand-me-down TV from a friend so we decided to Freecycle our 10+ year-old SONY crt-style TV (which we also got 2nd hand) while it was still in good working order. It was collected less than 2 hours after posting the offer. Unfortunately the replacement TV didn't work out and we were left without a TV -- shock! horror!

What to do??? So we decided to shop around. First we checked online. DH and I found all the specs we needed, but decided we needed a real looky-looky-touchy-feely to decide. The first shop DH visited had no sales staff in the TV section and most of the TV's were turned off. Hmmm, no joy.

So, we tossed the kiddos in the car and set off to the local electronics mega-shop. The kids, of course, wanted to get the Jumbo 3D telly (pictured). Being a bit more practical, DH and I decided on a nice small one (cheap'n'cheerful.) We quickly paid and the shop assistant lifted it easily into our car. The new TV weighs only 5.2kg, compared to the 27" CRT which 2 grown men struggled to lift. At home we were amazed at all the options on the new TV. I guess a few things have changed since the last time we bought a _new_ TV ... in 1989!


Dino and J. are now happy families :-)
I'm also VERY excited that Dino Super-Knitosaurus has been accepted to appear on the KnitHacker blog this week! I'll definitely be posting when it happens. Now, back to my first adventure with kntting in the round using DPN's ....

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dino, the Super Knitosaurus

I love it when a plan comes together! I have a young friend who has complete and utter confidence that anything she can think of, I can knit for her. I hope she likes Dino ;-)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Cuidiu Indoor Market

 What to do with the stuff  I'm de-cluttering ???
One Mum's Trash is Another Mum's Treasure!

Cuidiu Indoor Market!

Thursday 11th March from 10am to 1pm.
St. Colmcille's GAA Hall, Swords N. Co. Dublin
Google Map to Event
@ Pavilions shopping centre go North on N1 to 2nd roundabout (Estuary Roundabout), Turn Left onto R125 (W Seatown), turn Right at first traffic lights onto Balheary Rd, continue for 0.5km , turn Left at S Bank, GAA clubhouse is immediately on Left

All buyers and sellers welcome.

There will be many items for sale but mainly:
childrens clothes, toys etc.,
a stall to raise funds for Haiti,
and tea coffee available .

Only 10 Euro to set up a table.
So come along and turn that clutter into cash!
Phone 087 6704418 for details.

Clear that stash, or hunt down bargains for home and family.
Please spread the word of this event if living local.
Thank you!

Cuidiu is a nation-wide network for parents. It is a registered charity.
This event is hosted by the Cuidiu North County Dublin Branch.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I gave up CLUTTER for Lent!

Yeah! today we finally sold our old car -- definitely the biggest piece of clutter around the house ;-)

Our house is officially FULL.
I have spent the last week working very hard, using every free minute to clean up our house. I must admit that although I blame the kids toys and clothes on much of the "stuff" we trip over, a good portion of the house space is occupied by my "toys." I certainly have a few sewing machines; a serger; an entire press and attic stocked with quilting, fashion and decor fabric and notions; another press full of knitting wool/yarn; and two book cases devoted mostly to crafting books and patterns. Hmmm ...

Hubby has his "toys" too - more cameras, camcorders and computers than we have family members, and his more recent interest in musical instruments keeps us all entertained :-)

Beyond the basic de-cluttering treatments of purging everything that's broken, outgrown and no longer in use, and organising what's left, I have set myself to the big task of finishing my UFOs (unfinished objects) and WIPs (works in progress).

The plan here is 3-fold:
1) Finish projects A-Z and give and give them on to intended recipients (read: out of the house!)
2) Clear out excess supplies from finished projects
3) Get my Etsy and Dawanda sales sites renewed and active by selling some of my finished work.
The 3rd goal of course will hopefully give me a few more quid to buy more supplies!
Wait - not until I've finished a few more current projects.

Sometimes I make lists just so I can cross them off (you know you've done it)
So, this is what I've done so far in reducing my stash ---
1. Knit a Square and Show You Care
The Charity event I talked about earlier has been great for my stash-diet. So far I have contributed 8 completed baby blankets, 30+ finished 6-inch squares, 20+ mini squares, and 3 grocery bags of yarn.
2. Online Angels
When I started learning knitting and crochet I discovered this wonderful charity via Bev's Country Cottage, where I was on the hunt for free charity patterns. Online Angels help people in need of comfort with Love-ghans and prayer boxes and other useful items as required. This week I sent off a small package with knitted baby hats, 2 finished 6-inch crocheted squares, 3 hope-circles, 5 small balls of mohair yarn, and a small sandwich bag including cancelled stamps, pop-tabs and a small angel lapel pin.
3. The Lighthouse
I finished 2 large men's sweaters which were given to me nearly completed for the purpose of pulling apart and resusing the wool. In the bag was more of the same wool, so I decided it would be more useful to finish the two sweaters and donate them to the Lighthouse, which put a call-out for warm men's clothing through a member of our Church. All that was required was to add finished edge to the neck and sleeves of both, and one button each. Voilà!
4. Indoor Market
This Thursday, 11 March 2010, 10am-1pm at the Colmcille's GAA in Swords, our local Cuidiu parenting organisation will be holding a huge Indoor Market at the. I have registered for a table! Many of the sellers are mums who will be selling children's toys and clothes at bargain prices. I believe there will be a Hand-Crafter's section of new hand-made items. I understand there will also be a large charity table in aid of Earthquake Relief for Haiti.

So, enough chat. Back to work!

Friday, February 26, 2010

WOW!!! Still recovering and sewing up from this VERY successful event

Monday, February 15, 2010

First Post - Knit a Square and Show you Care

Midnight, Monday-Tuesday. Can't sleep ... crochet on the brain!

I spent 11 hours yesterday (Valentine's Day) at the Swords Pavilions Shopping Center crocheting and knitting to raise funds and awareness for Haiti and Heart Children Ireland. Fabulous results and still more to do!

A fundraising event in aid of Haiti and Heart Children Ireland will take place on Sunday 14th February 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. at Pavilions Swords County Dublin. Get some sponsors and knit or crochet a square 6”x6”. The proceeds will go to Partners in Health an international charity in Haiti headed up by Dublin doctor Louise Ivers. The squares will be joined to make comfort blankets, which will be given to Heart Children Ireland to be given as a gift to children in the intensive care unit of Crumlin Hospital after their heart surgery. For more information, contact Máire by email:

@Maire: "Thank you so much, each and every one of you for all your hard work, for making our fundraiser today such a success and such an enjoyable day. We have 32 completed blankets, and over 300 squares (have to do an accurate count). Money handed in today from sponsorship, raffle donations etc came to e2000+ and there is more still to be handed in. A truly great day!!!! God bless, Máire"

This event was the combined brainchild of Maire and her committee of 6 friends in which I am very honored to be included. I've been looking for a worthy stash-buster and this was definitely the one! Although this was a special event on the day, the need and the work are ongoing. If you would like to contribute in any way, please get in touch anytime!